Looking for a Web Designer and developer in Uganda, East Africa
Finding the right web developer in Kampala can be one of your most critical tasks. Without a doubt, that's the person or organization that will build the online image of your company and enable you to speak virtually with your customers. Therefore, it's especially important that you get the right talent the first time you search or else, you risk damaging your business, as well as using a lot of  time and money looking for a replacement. Here are five tips that can help in the selection process:
  1. Hire for character first, then work experience. Got this from one client of ours:
“when I hire web developers, their personal character is the most important part I consider.” While experience in web designing is good to look at, the bigger thing to look at is someone's attitude to the work of code, development, trends and how it fits your company. The key aspects in this are determination, curiosity, and persistence.  Are you more low-key and relaxed about time management and deadlines? Whatever characteristics make up your culture, you want to ensure that the web developer will fit in. So, make a list of your company's character requirements. Do you have an environment of selfless drive at the workplace? Do you want great app developers? If you come up with five character requirements for the web developers, make sure the one you choose matches at least three. Of course, it's simple for some people to pretend in an interview, so you may have to evaluate more with practical exercises such as HTML, PHP, CSS and other ways to make sure they're a good fit.
  1. When it’s a new website developer, try out with a small project first. Yes, you might think you've got your ideal candidate, but just to be sure please give him or her a non-critical project. That can let you see the person in action and get additional info beyond the job interview
  2. Choose a web designer with aptitude, not a particular skill set. Even in Ugandan standards today, skills become useless every 2 years, give or take. So, it's better to get a web developer who can change to the new technologies easily instead of someone who knows a singular technology today but may not change easily when a new one comes along.
The easiest way to tell whether someone will easily adapt well to changes in the field is to ask questions that will show whether the web designer has a love for learning. For example:
  • What new programming languages have you been learning about recently?
  • What are places on the internet do you go for learning new tech solutions, tips and tricks?
  • Tell me about your favorite technology conferences
At the end of that, you will have got your guy! Kampala in particular of all East African capital cities is crowded by intelligent people in all sectors, web technologies not excluded. It is very likely that by the time you get the right Web hosting or registration you will have seen many wrong ones. Have a look at our website designing, registration and hosting packages for Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania businesses and individuals.

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