Should you Redesign your website? Costs and other things you should know
At Kingline Press, almost quarter of our projects is about website redesigns.  Clients request us to redesign their websites to meet several business goals. Some of the best compelling reasons to redesign your business website include:
  • You’ve witnessed changes in your business and hence you want to connect these to your clients, audience or customers.
  • Your target market has changed and sales are lower.
  • Your business wants to take advantage of advanced web technology.
  • Your website is aging in design and/or function and competitors’ websites are getting better than yours.
Please keep reading below and find out the formula to help you determine how much your business should spend on a website redo.

The advantages of a website redesign:

  • Make use of new data and knowledge about your business and clients; use it to serve clients better.
  • Make your brand better with new design and functionality.
  • When you notice new website designs
  • Doing the redesign as a routine procedure helps keep your clients waiting for the new designs

The challenges of a website redesign:

Changing Webmasters – The former webmaster should have taken time to understand your business. They should have also done a lot of work to meet its SEO and design needs. Challenge arises when you feel like changing to another web developer and host. The biggest challenge may not be the visible one but the later disappearance from search engine ‘favor’. Maintaining your Ranking in Search Engines especially Google – Your old website has just got some level of credibility and acceptance by the search engines, plus links to your pages may be present in various directories, social media, ads and partner sites. Your new website design should be able to accommodate all and that is another reason to use an SEO-oriented-web developer to do the migration job. Migrating Key Data – It can be tricky to shift your business’ legacy data. If you have an online series of databases of products, selling store, documents, inquiries, customers, etc., one of your main concerns should be how to move that data efficiently and accurately to the new website design and database. And Finally, The Cost of Redesign – Although you already have a website running, that doesn’t mean the redesign will be cheap. Don’t assume that improvement in technology has made everything easier. Today’s more demanding frameworks require time to lay strategies that will sell. In the end, many redesign costs are calculated as below: [notification type="alert-success" close="false" ]Cost of Redesign = Initial development fees – Hosting fees + P.E.F (Package’s Extra Fee) [simple_tooltip content='This is the difference between your current website package and the price of the website that you want yours to meet/beat, valued by our company '] what is this?[/simple_tooltip] [/notification]


you were initially charged UGX 1,200,000

The hosting & registration fees were 150,000

Scenario 1: The website redesign you want lies in the same package as your current website

So the P.E.F would be UGX 1,200,000-1,200,000 which is 0

Your total redesign cost = 1,200,000 – 150,000 + 0


Scenario 2: The website redesign you want lies in a package more advanced than the one you first took, say a package that is UGX 1,500,000

So the P.E.F would be UGX 1,500,000-1,200,000 which is 300,000

Your total redesign cost = 1,200,000 – 150,000 + 300,000


What if I fail to redesign? Cost of Failing to Redesign Finally, when you ask the price to redesign your website, you might also be interested in knowing what happens if you abandon the whole procedure. Soon, the market changes and even when it doesn’t, your clients do work in other offices and many of them rebrand their respective projects. You will miss out on new functionality, respect by clients and in the long run lose your search engine ranking. If you’d like to speak with us about your website and get a clearer idea on the cost of redesign, please have a chat with David at (+256) 703-611691.

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