The Kingline Tower – Our Home
The Kingline Tower is the home of Kingline Press LTD. The building comprises of company offices, audio and video studios and other working areas.
Kingline Tower The Kingline Tower is the home of Kingline Press Company. The building is located at the Kasangati-Kira road, just a kilometer from Kasangati trading center. Construction began on 30th November 2021 as we celebrated 6 years of the company’s existence. The building is projected to rise to a total of 4 floors although the current (March 2022) working space is limited to the ground floor. It currently houses the following services

1-      The November-19 studio (Video Studio)

2-      Citadel Sounds (Audio Studio)

3-      Kingline Press and Zenji Vibes Management offices

4-      Kingline Software development lab

Further construction will enable us to expand ICT and Media production services to include

5-      A mass production auditorium

6-      Kingline Institute for ICT and Media studies

7-      Expansion of the Kingline Software development lab

8-      State-of-the-art VFX studios

We are very optimistic about the future of the Tower. We started out as a “briefcase” company a few years ago and now we’re achieving this progress earlier than anticipated. We are Kingline Press! David Kuteesa Founder and CEO, Kingline Press Here are a few pics taken during different stages of the Tower’s construction